Hey EVERYONE! 👋 As the founder, I wanted to personally say hello and welcome you. By using Bigkoko Gift Cards, you’ll be able to pay vendors outside the usual methods you are already used to, and also enjoy freebies and discounts up to 60% faster!I I encourage you to try our digital and NFC based cards which grants you secured, faster payments to Vendors in Rwanda and across Africa. Buy here: https://gifts.bigkokogroup.com Here are a few other things that you might find helpful: You can use Bigkoko PAC & SVC cards to pay vendors in Rwanda and across Africa. You can recieve payment from card users and withdraw from your wallet straight into your mobile moeny or bank accounts. You can share your card balanvce with friends and families. You can top up and use your cards online, via UUSSD code (*662*800*122#). You can learn more about our cards by visiting our website or sending us a mail on [email protected] I’d love to hear from you, so feel free to contact us with any suggestions or feature requests. Emmanuel Founder, Bigkoko Group Inc.